Download a set of colouring in sheets for children, using my A3 prints to colour on.
5 black and white images will be downloaded for your class, your children (or you!) to colour in. Each image is a direct black-and-white copy of my other A3 prints, which means that each creature they colour in is also named in cursive writing. And, once you've purchased, you can print as many times as you want :).
They include: Dinosaurs, Studio Ghibli, Sea Creatures, British Wildlife, British Wildflowers
* Downloaded as a PDF
* Please make sure you select your equivalent of 'scale to fit page' when you print
This work is offered at £1 in order to try to help those who are inside with young children, and teachers still working with children in school, or setting work for children at home during the Coronavirus outbreak. Please do not use the file for any commercial gain and, if you can, please get others to buy rather than share the file - artists and small businesses like mine have lost many avenues for making money and may lose our livelihoods, please be kind to us!
* Using colour - discuss what colours the animals could be with your child, for younger ones, it's an opportunity to teach colours and shape. The colours don't have to be right, but can they give a reason for wanting those colours?
* Animals including humans - this is on the syllabus for primary children. Does your child know that humans are animals too? What animals can they see?
* Cursive handwriting - can they copy my handwriting? Would they like to learn calligraphy? Find out if this is something your child would be interested in
* Using computers to research - Find an animal your child likes and see what they can find out about it using the computer. An excellent resource, particularly for dinosaurs, is the Dorling Kindersley website at
* Ask open questions. Open questions begin with things like 'Why?' 'I wonder what would happen if...' and 'How?' and ask the child to reflect and imagine, rather than giving a straight answer
* Learn how to draw - copy the picture, trace the picture, go over the lines of the picture, use the dotwork to understand shadow (why are the dots thicker here?), find pictures of the creature and draw your own, or simply draw your own version of the creature from imagination
* Learn about wildflowers - have they seen any, can they find any? Can they find flowers in your home and draw those? Or leaves? Get a magnifying glass and look closely at the detail!
* Endangered animals - there are a few animals on these prints that are endangered, can the children find out how to help them? Build a bug hotel from sticks? Design a hedgehog home?
* You can also watch the Studio Ghibli films, currently available to download from Netflix. I recommend starting with My Neighbour Totoro. A series of Japanese anime films that are beautiful, imaginative and calming. I highly recommend them. My favourite is Howl's Moving Castle, which is also a funny children's book full of dry humour by Diana Wynne Jones
Downloadable Colouring Sheets | Includes Dinosaurs and Sea Creatures
Each download is available for you to print as many times as you wish, and can be shared with classes, nurseries and within your household.
However, you do not have copyright for this image, all rights stay with me and these images may not be utilised for commercial use in any shape, form or capacity.